A Study of User Experience Design at International Airport


This study aims to develop a new service design for the international airport based on user storytelling. Travelers face long flights on their international trips, but we often notice they are excited to explore various airport facilities. International airports accommodate people from different countries, and each major airport provides entertainment and hospitality. Most travelers have a new experience with dining and shopping. Travelers may have or may not have good services or impressions depending on the ease of accessibility in various service designs such as wayfinding systems, restaurant/food information, and other facilities information. So, this study investigates how travelers experience Incheon International Airport and what kind of experiences have affected their travel satisfaction or dissatisfaction. In-person interviews with people who have been at Incheon International Airport over the last two years were conducted. With collected data and individual responses from user experience storytelling, this study developed an interactive wayfinding app design. The app function and features were designed as a self-driven AR wayfinding and virtual interaction for the service design concept. The prototype mockup as a conceptual model was shown to prior survey participants as to what they may see as a positive solution in their future experiences. The effectiveness of service design in the app based on their prior experiences shows the potential to move forward to further study in an interactive app for international airport service design.


Sang-Duck Seo
Professor, Graphic Design & Media/Art, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, United States


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Designed Objects


UX/UI Design, AR Spatial Map, Wayfinding, Information Design