Non-material Sustainability Design: Another Way to Give Us a Better Future through Design


Generally, when people talk about sustainability, they are referring to using sustainable materials, reducing the impact of the material on the environment, investing more money in recycling materials, and so forth. However, that is not always the case. This is in contrast to industries such as interaction design and graphic design, where there appears to be little work to be done around materials. By contrast, COVID has made it easier for online meeting platforms to be accepted. Research indicates that this shift in the hobby from in-person to online meetings has led to a significant reduction in greenhouse gas emissions. Furthermore, many managers reported that the pandemic made them realize that most of their tasks and goals could be accomplished without having to meet in person. In other words, if we are able to accomplish our goals in a simpler and more efficient manner, we can leave a positive impact on the environment. The purpose of this paper is to suggest, using the term created by Daniel Kahneman, that designers must reduce the speed at which they think and act in the era of Post-COVID. The role of designers includes both innovation and influencing audiences as part of their responsibilities. Designers who strive for sustainability should improve the effectiveness of information dissemination not only for users and audiences but also in the design process. As a result of reducing and optimizing low-meaning actions, and improving the effectiveness of information dissemination, a more sustainable future can be achieved.


Jiahao Chen
Student, Master of Professional Studies, Pratt Institute, New Jersey, United States


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


2023 Special Focus—New Agendas for Design: Principles of Scale, Practices of Inclusion