Blueprints of Justice: How the Interaction between Design, Architecture, and Law Develop New Forms of Questioning and Problem-solving


This study chronicles the project ‘Blueprints of Justice’. This project examines the interaction between law, design, and architecture and was developed during the COVID-19 pandemic. The pandemic created a moment of accelerated change in the change-averse legal system. In a rare occurrence, legal practitioners opened up the doors to their discipline and invited non-experts for collaboration. The essence of this collaboration boils down to the following question: knowing different disciplines each play a role in the access to justice problem, can an interdisciplinary approach lead to better outcomes, and furthermore, point towards desired futures? Change at such a fundamental level never happens in isolation. Architecture, legal experts, and students worked together to examine the direct relationship between law and space to tackle pressing real time scenarios put forward by experts. We delve into the case studies, methods, and results produced over a two year period. This work, directed by Oana Stanescu at MIT and Nóra Al Haider of the Stanford Legal Design lab, spans between 2020-2023 and looks at this intersection in the themes of social justice, human rights, and environmental justice.


Nóra Al Haider
Assistant Director, Stanford Legal Design Lab, Stanford Law School/, California, United States


Presentation Type

Innovation Showcase


2023 Special Focus—New Agendas for Design: Principles of Scale, Practices of Inclusion


Access to justice, Legal design, Architecture, Interdisciplinary research, Design methodology