Adapting to Train Next Generation Designers: How Multi-disciplinary Research and Technology Are Reinventing Design Education


Now is one of the most exciting and disruptive moments in the history of Design Education. Our world is becoming more inter-connected than ever, cities are becoming smart, and it seems like every product we buy is connected to the internet of things. What about Artificial intelligence, hyper-connectivity, autonomous vehicles, living in virtuality, and a shared economy? We can go on and on about how our world is becoming increasingly complex. As Designers, we take pride in our craft and our ability to apply a process to a problem and come out the other way with a solution. However, our world is rapidly changing, requiring us to innovate and acknowledge emerging trends and technologies such as Virtual and Augmented Reality. What does this mean for the next generation of professionals that will go out into the workforce in the next few years? How do you balance learning the craft of what makes a Designer and learn to be curious and adaptable towards emerging technologies? How do you approach the hugely complex problems of our time and ensure our designs intend to improve people’s lives? These are a few of the challenges we face today in Design Education across the world. This session addresses how Design Education is changing, given the growing complexities of our world and the emergence of new technologies. Several case studies and examples will be drawn from the Future Mobility Design Program at the University of Cincinnati, and its new multi-disciplinary research initiative of Digital Futures.


Alejandro Lozano Robledo
Research Associate and Director of Future Mobility Design (FMD) Lab, Office of Research, University of Cincinnati Digital Futures, Ohio, United States


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Design Education


Multi-disciplinary, Mobility, Research, Academia, Industry, Technology, VR, Prototyping, User-centered, Methodology