Profitable Typography: Involvement, Playfulness, and Unexpected Outcomes


Typography is playing a major role in modern-day communication and dressing up the languages and individual thoughts as per individuals’ desires and need. In bookish terms, we call it expressive typography. Designers and typographers have used this aspect to exaggerate the meaning and impact of letters. Sometimes, because of the different treatment given to the letters, one may hear, test, smell, see and feel the typography using different sensorial organs. To achieve the same, designers and young students are experimenting in all possible ways by playing with letter form, colour and texture. The unconventional approaches have also provided lots of opportunities to make typography learning more playful and engaging. Through classroom experimentation and available case studies, this study shows how typography can be made an interesting subject of enquiry for school children, and undergraduate and postgraduate students, making it engaging for both instructors as well as students.


Mohammad Shahid
Assistant Professor, Department of Design, Indian Institute of Technology Hyderabad, Telangana, Andhra Pradesh, India


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Design Education


Experimental Typography, Expressive Typography, Playful Learning, Type as an Image