Co-designing Education : Service Design Approach to University Degree Programme Experience


This workshop provides insight into the application of service design and human-centred design to the design of learning experience. It is not about teaching design. It is about empowering educators with a design mindset in order to facilitate the aim of putting the learner into the centre of the learning. Educating the future engaged citizens means that as educators, we have to use design methods ourselves to co-create the learning experience together with our students, engage our students in their learning journeys and help them understand how to become more proactive and more critical about their own development and ultimately more ready to embrace the uncertainties of the world. This workshop will demonstrate the application of service a design approach to an annual degree programme review and co-design of the curriculum learning experience. It will detail three key service design methods that have formed a framework for the programme review and that have provided complementary information and insights to the standard review processes carried out through formal student-staff committee meetings and learning feedback forms and surveys. The methods that will be demonstrated in action are; ecosystem mapping, persona co-creation and emotional journey mapping. This workshop presents an opportunity to understand the complexity of education experience and the importance and the value of design in creating exceptional learning journeys learning experiences together with our students and those participants who have embarked on this journey in order to create better future for themselves and influence the future of society.


Radka Newton
Senior Teaching Fellow, Entrepreneurship and Strategy, Lancaster University Management School, United Kingdom


Presentation Type

Workshop Presentation


Design Education


Service Design, Co-Creation, Learning Experience, Ecosystem, Persona, Journey Mapping