The Role of Designers and Artists in Times of Environmental Crisis: Broken Nature, Living in Times of Crisis, Uncertainly, and Turmoil


Fashion design has become a major pollutant. According to UN statistics as much as 40 percent of the ocean is heavily affected by pollution, depleted fisheries and loss of coastal habitats. The fashion industry, in particular fast and mass fashion production of the last decades, is a major contributor to global pollution of water, air, and soil throughout its lifetime cycle. Demand for clothing items has doubled since 2000 while the frequency of using each item before disposing it has dramatically decreased. Quantity of production has increased and quality has decreased. The increased use of synthetic fibers in the composition of fabrics (clothes made out of plastic) has contributed to the plastic waste pollution and micro particle load in the water and in fishes. By 2050, research says that there will be more plastic in the ocean than fish. Designers have an important role as change agent. In the process: assessing sustainability of their own production under environmental and social criteria, and to adapt it. In advocacy the themes of how and what to purchase. And second, in advocacy for introducing changes. Designers, in or across disciplines shall become agents of change. Transparency is the call of our times and conscious and sustainable smaller brands have to advocate and deliver this kind of production. We must conceive and produce our forthcoming living spheres through conscious designs, innovative objects, and experiential installations. Objects from Venice Design and Art Bienniale Venice are included.


Monika Zabel
Managing Director, Designer, Design, Urban Pilgrims Design, Germany


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


2020 Special Focus - Advocacy in Design: Engagement, Commitment, and Action


Environment, Design, Fashion, Conscious Clothing, Sustainability, Climate Change, ,