Homelessness by Number : Toward Creative Dialog among Design Professionals


The current number of homeless people is a record high in New York City history. Every tenth child in the public school system is homeless, totaling more than 100,000 homeless students. One in 125 New Yorkers is homeless. New York City accounts 14 percent of nations homelessness and 85 percent of New York State homelessness. 4,000 people sleep on the streets and other public spaces while others are in shelters. The main focus of this poster is to bring awakening and alarm around the catastrophe that we are facing every day on the streets, and to start creative dialog among design professionals. We consider how this problem can be addressed creatively.


Radmila Lazarevic
Partner, Architecture, B4 Architecture LLC


Presentation Type

Poster Session


2020 Special Focus - Advocacy in Design: Engagement, Commitment, and Action


Social Policy Planning Politics Health Safety Public Welfare