Co-designing Tools to Empower Further, Independent Co-design: Collaborating with Diverse Individuals with Lived Experience of Food Poverty


Food poverty is an acute, growing and highly impactful social, political and practical challenge for the United Kingdom in 2019. This paper describes collaborative design undertaken by researchers from the Leapfrog project and practitioners from Food Power, a national network tackling food poverty. In this paper we describe three elements of a substantial co-design research project. We describe how co-designers from very difference constituencies (in age and location) developed tools and resources that helped the voice of people in food poverty be more clearly heard. The aim of this project is for the clear articulation of the impacts of food poverty to effect policy and policy maker. Helping in the long term to remove the need for food banks and other tactical responses to systemic food poverty challenges. The case studies presented have wider implications for the creation of tools and resources to help co-design, mass creativity, and engagement at scale.


Roger Whitham
Lecturer in Interaction, ImaginationLancaster

Leon Cruickshank
Professor of Design and Creative Exchange, Lancaster University

Gemma Coupe
Impact Manager for Beyond Imagination, ImaginationLancaster, Lancaster University

David Perez
Lecturer in Radical Co-Design, ImaginationLancaster, Lancaster University, United Kingdom


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


2020 Special Focus - Advocacy in Design: Engagement, Commitment, and Action


Co-design, Tools, Engagement at scale, Food poverty, Advocacy