Travelling by Plane - a Holistic Design Approach for a Comfortable and Innovative Flight Experience


In recent research in the air transport sphere, funded by the European Horizon 2020 program, the Design discipline, along with human sciences, is called upon to deal with passenger comfort. The research CASTLE is therefore concerned with anticipating the future of an airplane, in service on short/medium-haul routes, which will start operating in five years with innovative solutions, both in terms of ergonomics and perceived well-being, and compatible with the request, by the airlines, of an increasingly high number of passengers boarded. This a theme that globally regards two billion trips a year, addressed here through the story of a complete travel experience, by an “ideal” passenger, who with the other guests shares a temporary habitat, where different activities take place, of which those related to work and leisure are the main ones. The study addresses, with a holistic approach, both the environmental conditions connected to the physical and psychological comfort of the passenger, and a new range of services, analogical and digital, which can contribute to traveling in a comfortable, informed and attractive way, with the aim of transforming the perception of travel, from “lost time” to “useful time”.


Stefano Gabbatore
Research Fellow, Politecnico di Torino

Claudio Germak
Professor, Polytechnic of Turin


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Design in Society


Travel design, UX design, HC design