Design Thinking Approach and Service Learning Method: An Education Strategy in the Process of Interior Design of Commercial Space in Indonesia


Interior Design and Styling 3 in Interior Design Department, Petra Christian University is a theory and practical course regarding commercial public space that accommodates commercial activities based on real project problems, such as retail outlets, service outlets, commercial exhibitions, and other spaces accommodating direct commercial transactions. Students are expected to be able to understand theories, identify problems, and create solutions for commercial spaces through a comprehensive design, in terms of function, technique, and aesthetics. The approach used to achieve the learning target is design thinking with the stages of empathize, define, ideate, prototype, and test. The method used is service learning, which synergizes the learning process through the process of direct interaction and service to the community. The communities selected as the target partners are small and medium entrepreneurs who are building branding efforts and still need help to strengthen the media branding in the form of commercial space in the city of Surabaya and surrounding areas. The result of this learning is the students’ understanding of the theoretical material about the interior design of commercial space, the practical experience to implement their knowledge, and self evaluation through reflection as an insight in the development of hard and soft skills.


Yusita Kusumarini
Universitas Kristen Petra


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Design Education


Design thinking, Service learning, Interior design education