How the Assessment of Affordances May Lead to Innovative Solutions for the Design of Outdoor Learning Environments to Support Early Childhood Development


The objective of this theory-driven investigation is to explore and propose a new model for examination of physical design considerations, where developmental milestones are used as key performance indicators of affordances designed into outdoor learning environments (OLE) for physical, cognitive, and social/emotional development in children ages 18 months to 3 years. This review is grounded in Gibson’s ecological theory that explains how an environment affords the user certain behaviors. A systematic review of published literature reveals a common methodology with the following sequential steps: 1) assess the design of an existing OLE, 2) create a site-specific taxonomy of affordances and 3) describe the development that the environment affords on a specific site. This approach represents a missed opportunity since the assessment starts with the physical design of a specific site and proceeds with the articulation of affordances designed into that setting. Such an assessment strategy represents a piecemeal, sporadic approach to the larger universe of potential design solutions and limits physical design innovation. An integrative review of over one hundred published literature was conducted, and key propositions were positioned within Gibson’s ecological theory. The proposed model reverses the prevailing methodology: 1) begin with the desired outcomes; 2) create the taxonomy of affordances required to achieve the outcomes; which then 3) inform design considerations. The proposed approach gives unique insight into designing OLE, specifically focuses on early childhood development, and provides an extensive table of affordances, sub-affordances, and design considerations.


Lori Guerrero
Assistant Professor, Design, Texas Tech University, Texas, United States

Debajyoti Pati
Texas Tech University

Kristi Gaines


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Architectonic, Spatial, and Environmental Design


Theory, Affordances, Children, Outdoor, Child-development, Childcare, Preschool