Enhancing Socio-cultural and Socio-economic Values with Architectural Design - Revitalization of Place


Cities as strongholds of economic development play an important role in differentiating economic development from resource use and environmental impacts. In doing so, they strive to establish a balance between social, environmental, and economic goals. While making decisions, there should be a search for how the tools available in the current environment can be used efficiently. A good urban design should be able to help to generate environmental, social, and economic benefits for the city and its inhabitants. One of the important issues of urban design is to evaluate the potentials for new living spaces and to provide efficiency in resource use. Nowadays, it is seen that urban transformation movement in big cities, especially in the existing urban areas, creates new environments where economic sustainability as well as social sustainability is ignored. Potential areas of social sustainability are downtowns or brownfield or urban wastelands. This paper indicates that the revitalization of these areas - re-planning, design activity aimed at the public interest is possible. The design idea for this within a holistic approach should be presented in the framework of spatial development, quality improvement in living spaces in order to provide data. For this purpose, Yıldız Technical University Department of Architecture has created a discussion platform and three years in its graduation project has carried the works of revitalizing the place to design studio. The last year students analyzed the socio-cultural structures of different urban contexts and developed building programs. The paper discusses the procedure and results of the cases.


Candan Cinar
Associate Professor, Yildiz Technical University

Cigdem Polatoglu
Professor, Yildiz Technical University

Omur Kararmaz
Yildiz Technical University


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Design Education


Planning, Public Welfare, Multiculturalism, Values, Identities