Consumer Behavior Towards Textile Products Dyed Using Alternative Dyestuffs


Alternative dyestuffs for textiles, such as fungi and industrial waste, have been well researched (Panche, Diwan, & Chandra, 2016., Sathianarayanan et al., 2010). Alternative natural dyes have been found to have health benefits (eg. antimicrobial and UV protectant properties) that consumers consider to be added value to textiles. However, there is little research examining consumer behavior towards textile products dyed using these alternative dyestuffs. The purpose of this study was to explore whether pre-consumer plant-based food waste, used to create dyes, could produce a color in a textile product that is satisfactory to consumers. The study involved 40 participants on a university campus where subjects were asked to evaluate the color of a textile product dyed using onion skins and spent coffee grounds. Subjects were then asked to evaluate the color of a product dyed using a synthetic dye. A benchmark product evaluation was taken before and after the explanation of each dye process. Subjects completed a survey that measured their desire for unique products and behaviors toward sustainability. Analysis of the data showed that participants’ opinions of the food waste products’ color became more favorable following an explanation of the dye process. Respondents described the naturally dyed products’ initial characteristics as “blotchy”, “uneven”, and “dirty”, but after the explanation, changed their reactions to “novel” and “tie-dye”. The study’s findings will prove useful for textile companies whose bottom line includes people, planet, and profit. The researcher recommends that investment in alternative dyeing processes must also include investment in consumer education.


Dakota Batch
Graduate Student, Textile, Apparel, Technology Management, North Carolina State University


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Designed Objects


Textiles, Natural Dye, Pre-Consumer Food Waste, Consumer Behavior, Sustainability