Knowing The Unknown: Humanizing Transgender People


Transgender persons do not have the same level of rights as other Pakistanis, and are routinely harassed, face discrimination, and in some cases subjected to violence. Gender Interactive Alliance (GIA) is a non-profit organisation working for the equality and civil rights of transgender people in Pakistan. Their aim is to increase the visibility and acceptance of this gender by facilitating education and employment and providing medical aid and legal counselling. Our goal was to collaborate with GIA in revamping the organisation’s identity and creating public awareness about their work and services such as the emergency helpline. The campaign included identity rebranding, literature design, personal stories, and easy-to-access helpline posters. The project’s aim was to create awareness about GIA and spread its work beyond the transgender community, to the general public as well. The personal stories especially served to humanise transgender persons by highlighting their struggles, hopes, and dreams. Similarly, increased awareness about the emergency helpline service sought to provide immediate aid to transgender persons facing violence and harassment.


Mirza Amir
Assistant Professor, Communication Design, Indus Valley School of Art and Architecture, Pakistan


Presentation Type

Online Poster


2020 Special Focus - Advocacy in Design: Engagement, Commitment, and Action


Design, Advocacy, Engagement, Transgender, Community, Equality, Awareness, Rights, Discrimination