Design Oriented Business: From Conception to Validation


This research seeks to study and understand the processes for new businesses validation. The design process often involves getting to a prototype stage, with few projects that include later stages such as pilot production, validation with customers and users, or development support for distribution and sales. Much of the information for product development comes from observing existing users and products, but little attention is paid to later stages after prototype building. Therefore, it is pertinent to ask: What would be the design potentialities in these later stages? Suppose that design plays a relevant role in the developing stages of an enterprise, therefore it is necessary to approximate the design method with business developing techniques and tools. The objective of this research is to know the role of design in the entrepreneurship process and the means by which a product-based business can be validated. To achieve this goal a literature review was conducted involving product and business development, focused on agile models. After this, a project was developed with a business model for the development of a design-oriented business. This project served to verify and evaluate the product creation design tools and business validation techniques. In conclusion, entrepreneurs and designers do not have that many differences, but designers have qualities inherent to their profession that enhance their entrepreneurial ability to validate new products in the market. Thus, it is possible to foresee the expansion and improvement of the design method towards entrepreneurship.


Daniel Nasajon
Design, PUC-Rio

Claudio Magalhães
Associate Professor, Department of Art & Design , Pontifical Catholic University of io de Janeiro / PUC-Rio, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Design Management and Professional Practice