Advanced Design: Systemic Education Patterns for the Designer of the Future


This paper explores the application of the Advanced Design notion into the educational methodologies of two different territorial and socio-economic contexts (Italy and Mexico), that share the same interest towards this field, carried out inside the Latin Network for the Development of Design Processes. The two research groups of the Department of Architecture of the University of Bologna and the School of Architecture, Art and Design of the Tecnológico de Monterrey, are developing their activities merging Design Cultures with Anticipation, to provide innovative skills in the design education. Advanced Design practice creates new paths and portfolios with an unbroken dynamic, resulting in continuous innovation, from product development to visions of possible futures. These research lines find very operative spillovers in the education formats proposed by the two Universities, facing the systematization of design practices and adopting systemic strategies for knowledge management. This strategy helps the educational realities to move from “traditional” learning-by-doing approaches to a learning-systems dynamic where the individual, the team and the organization develop new skills that fit the definition of Advanced Design culture and competencies. This learning-system approach figures out a cultural transformation in the education patterns based also on the idea of collaborative and open laboratory structures built up with the direct involvement of industries and public institutions, in the educative formats. These knowledge alliances support the creation of innovative design practices that can bridge the gap between “traditional” design-centered education and already consolidated Advanced Design practices, for the development of a new generations of designers.


Valentina Gianfrate
Senior Researcher, Advanced Design Unit-Department of Architecture, University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy

Flaviano Celaschi
Professor, University of Bologna

Elena Maria Formia
Associate Professor, University of Bologna

Roberto Iniguez Flores
Dean , School of Architecture, Art, and Design, Tecnológico de Monterrey, Mexico


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Design Education


Advanced Design, Anticipation, Learning System, Continuous Innovation