Design Education for Positive Social Impact


Since the industrial revolution, design has always played an important role in society. It also affects cultural development, social identity, and forms a better life for people through information and technology. Therefore educating designers play a major role in the process of cultural and sustainable development. This study presents a book project created with the aim of creating a positive impact on our social community in Turkey. The project was developed in the 2015-2016 Autumn semester by 72 undergraduate students from the first-year visual communication and graphic design program. The starting point was The Turkish General Election of November 2015, which led to social and political discussions and created communal subversion. The conversations within the studio centered around researching oral stories around the country and projecting them visually to reflect our cultural diversity which gives our country its richness, color and dynamism. The May 2016 exhibition, “Our Village” discussed in this paper, is the result of their investigations and creation.


Irem Ela Yildizeli
Lecturer, English Graphic Design, Ayvansaray University, Plato College of Higher Education, Turkey


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Design Education


Graphic Design, Visual Communication, Education, Turkey, Storytelling, Undergraduate, Social Impact