Moving from Foundation to Concentration : Understanding the Fashion Design Student’s Transitional Experience from Foundation Year to Program Major


This qualitative study examines the cognitive and emotional development of undergraduates as they transition from freshman-year “foundation” design programs into sophomore-year fashion design “major” programs. It examines this transition through the lenses of design school undergraduates, alumni, educators, directors, scholars, and current program structures. Using the theoretical frameworks of William Perry’s Scheme of Epistemological Growth and Robert Kegan’s Order of Consciousness, this research study seeks to understand the undergraduates’ transitional experience. Through a literature review, interviews, focus groups, survey, and the evolving industry, the transitional experience is contextualized. Additionally, this study also considers the future of design education and what kind of experience might best prepare design students for the transition into their elected “majors” or concentrations. The goal of this study is to provide undergraduate design programs, educators, and directors with awareness for how they can improve their students’ transition into fashion design programs.


Steven Faerm
Associate Professor, Parsons School of Design, The New School , United States


Presentation Type

Poster Session


Design Education


Design Education, Fashion Design, Student Development, Pedagogy, Teaching and Learning