Professional Practice for Graphic Design and Portfolio Capstone: A Tale of Two Courses


This study offers a description of the development of and requirements for both Professional Practice and Portfolio Capstone classes that prepare senior-level undergraduate design students for the transition from academia to a successful career. These courses are taught by the presenter. Many colleges insist on stuffing all elements taught in these courses into one semester-long course, but this is impossible to do at the level explained in this presentation. The Professional Practice coursework begins with a logo. The brand is developed from positioning and tone to full visual identity. All elements evolve from this, including cover letters and resumés, website, business forms, a social media presence and plan, and a full brand book. Ensuring students understand how to apply these materials for a successful career, a business plan is developed that displays comprehension of legal aspects and taxes in relation to the cost of living. This ties into the comprehensive Job Hunt Journal developed throughout the semester. The cover letters are written to creative directors and then tie into the networking and interviewing skills taught in the course. An overview of the Portfolio Capstone course is provided, including why it is impossible to develop a professional-level portfolio (vs. a collection of student work) in addition to the demands of the Professional Practice class. Other work produced from this course includes captions and talking points, a leave-behind, and even how (and why) to write a press release.


Nicole L. Arnell
Associate Professor Graphic Design, Dept. of Art + Design, Arkansas State University, Arkansas, United States


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Design Education


Course Development, Professional Practice, Portfolio, Career Development, Graphic Design, Self-Advocate