Resonate: Nostalgia in a Post-Postmodern World


Our appetite for nostalgia in post-structural/post-modern western consumer culture reflects a value system that extends beyond the production of objects. Imbued with emotive content derived from advertising and propaganda, these sensory ‘things’ have become place-holders for our collective landscape…as permanent and real as the real. So, what is post-Postmodern? What inhabits the nostalgic space of Generation X? What does it mean to live in a primary online-dependent world? These and other questions, were debated by a group of undergraduate students from Western Carolina University’s School of Art and Design. The conversations centered around researching artifacts, language, memes, music, advertising, and online environments. The May 2019 exhibition, Resonate: Nostalgia in a Post-Postmodern World, discussed in this paper, is the result of their investigations and ruminations.


Jon Jicha
Professor Emeritus, School of Art and Design, Western Carolina University, North Carolina, United States


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Design in Society


Post-Postmodern culture, New genre language