CoDesRes - CoDesigning for Resilience in Rural Development through Networks and Place-based Learning Interventions


CoDesRes was a two-year project funded by the Irish Environmental Protection Agency (Jan 2018 - Jan 2020) to encourage localised engagement with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by utilising a bespoke arts-led methodology, the permaCultural resilience (pCr) praxis, as the foundation for community engagement and STEAM place-based education. Developed over five years in three distinct geo-political contexts and neighbourhoods; Deptford, S.London, University College Dublin and Taos and Questa, New Mexico, the pCr praxis is a critical praxis for artists working within the context of planetary urbanisation and the age of the Anthropocene. Further, the pCr praxis embeds creative systemic approaches and environmental and social justice in its processes, enabling a situated interventional approach to Creative Placemaking, that is ethical and agile and builds on existing community activities. The CoDesRes project sought to adapt the pCr toolkit and framework so that its methods for arts-led community revitalisation and STEAM education are accessible and usable by those other than the artist to create localised responses to the SDGs.This paper briefly introduces the methodology and shares insights and findings from the research by focussing on the community contexts of CoDesRes as the means to adapt the pCr praxis for a community toolkit. The paper summarises the iteration of the pCr methodology over the two years by presenting three community projects, the research findings, and the community toolkit and in conclusion presents signposts for future research, that focus on the application of theory, practice, and learning for other projects.


Anita McKeown
Director, SMARTlab Skelligs _ Future Focus 21c, UCD, Kerry, Ireland


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Architectonic, Spatial, and Environmental Design


Ecodesign, Rural areas, Equitable Spatial Planning, Sustainability, Practice-led research