Designing a Design Thinking Challenge: Lessons Learned


Royal Roads University in Victoria, BC, Canada, runs an annual Design Thinking Challenge, which invites business undergraduate students to tackle an issue of societal concern using principles of design thinking. The Design Thinking Challenge differs from case competitions, in which business students are accustomed to competing, because it focuses on conducting empathic research, iterating based on feedback, and combining competition with collaboration. In this Innovation Showcase, we will share lessons learned around how to design and run a challenge of this type, focusing on issues like how to scope the challenge that is presented to students; how to balance collaboration, education, and competition; and how to design judging rubrics that enable the provision of formative feedback.


Amy Zidulka
Associate Professor, Faculty of Management, Royal Roads University, Canada

Michael Pardy
Associate Faculty, Royal Roads University


Presentation Type

Innovation Showcase


Design Education


Design Thinking Education; Business Education