Phenomeknowlege in American Domesticity : From the Unsheltering Domus to The Fictive House


This single-family detached domicile is a quintessential building block of twenty-first century American urbanity. This dwelling unit never rests and marks each hour in a state of vulgar paradox. On one hand, the house is rife with the unfolding pathos of human activity, and on the other hand, it is bankrupt of its latent significance. The once chivalrous domicile of man now exists chiefly to support the lifestyles of its inhabitants. As a callous witness to the ever-alienating metropolis, this vernacular house has become a fashionable cenotaph to poetic dwelling. This research purports the apodictic necessity of nine rudiments of the house constructed in past, present, and future. The chief essential issues in domestic Architecture: hue, archetype, Braille, interpretation, tectonics, obeisance, natura, unfolding, and synthesis will be figuratively and culturally framed while more carefully locating their intended meanings. Through the tools of critical induction, the research presented contains interpretations, observations, and analyses of practical and theoretical precedents to effectively index a body of quintessential values. It culminates in proposing a generative design theory that examines the qualitative manifestation of these nine tenets (not to be viewed as formulaic or prescriptive) to resuscitate the culture of poetics in contemporary American single-family domiciles.


Joshua Jones
PhD Student / Graduate Teaching Associate, Architecure, University of Florida


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Architectonic, Spatial, and Environmental Design