Cemeteries Resurging as Park-like Education Campuses: A Design-led Study via Research by Design Strategy


Traditionally, cemeteries were used for burials only. In the nineteenth century, rural cemeteries began to be used as public open spaces after the success of Mt. Auburn Cemetery in Cambridge, MA. Besides being burial grounds and public open spaces providing green space values, there haven’t been discussions about a cemetery being an educational facility in modern history. The question is - can a cemetery have the attribute to provide valuable learning opportunities as an outdoor education campus? In this study, a 150-acre site in Oklahoma, potentially designated to a future national veterans cemetery, was used as a design-led study to answer the above question. The design research process was carried out in four stages and followed the design guidelines of: a) the National Cemetery Administration, b) open spaces, and c) campus outdoor spaces. A series of vigorous design, charrettes, presentations, reviews, and redesign activities have taken place. The proposed master plan turned into not only the place to pay respect for the deceased veterans, but also an education campus in a park-like setting, where children can learn multiple subjects including patriotism, history, natural resources, birds, wildlife, stormwater, hydrology, and sustainability. This design-led process has proven that a cemetery can have a dual function beside burials - be an outdoor educational facility and campus. This type of cemetery development will provide profound benefits for a broad public, the veteran communities, the municipal, students, and youth communities. This study will lend insights for design professionals, cemetery development, and city officials.


Qing Luo
Associate Professor, Landscape Architecture, Oklahoma State University, Oklahoma, United States


Presentation Type

Online Poster


Design in Society


Cemetery, Open space, Education Campus, Research by Design