Exploring How People Interpret Interactive Wearables with Biophilic Movement


Applying bio-inspired strategies in the design of products may enhance user-product interaction and create a positive and pleasurable experience. One of these strategies is the application of ‘biophilic movements’, these are movements that are inspired by nature and could create a positive emotional impact. For designers to identify the value of applying these movements in the design of products, it is necessary to understand how people interpret and possibly respond to different bio-inspired movements. Currently, there are no guidelines to assist designers in incorporating biologically inspired movements in wearables that respond to people’s subjective interpretations. Therefore, to explore this, certain kinds of tools and methods are needed. As a result, this study introduces a method for developing a biophilic semantic differential scale and a step-by-step pilot method for understanding how people interpret biophilic movements in biophilic body-worn artifacts.


Neda Fayazi
PhD Candidate, Information Technology, Carleton University, Canada

Lois Frankel
Associate Professor of Industrial Design, Carleton University


Presentation Type

Poster Session


Designed Objects


Interactive Wearables; Biophilic Movements; Emotional Responses