Reconceptualising the Graphic Design Studio: Immersive User-generated Mobile Devices for Thinking Outside the Box


This paper explores ways of reconceptualizing learning environments beyond static classrooms to virtualize the graphic design studio. The driver for this is a desire to enable student-centred constructivist pedagogies that can be described as Dewey for the digital age. Outlined in this paper is an ecology of resources designed to stimulate rhizomatic learning environments that are focused upon networking small groups of guided student teams rather than a centralized teacher-centred environment. While ideologically driven, this re-conception also provides a flexible and scalable approach to utilizing limited physical teaching and learning space. The goal is not to fully replace the traditional studio or classroom environment, but to enhance it and provide a variety of rich spaces for the teacher to design learning activities and guide student enquiry that are unique to a specific context and the rapidly changing world into which our graduates will enter.


David Sinfield
Associate Professor, School of Art and Design, Auckland University of Technology, New Zealand


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Design Education


Graphic Design, Augmented Reality, BYOD, Mobile Technology, Student Centred Education