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Perfect Fit Goggles: Mass Customization Vectors in Eyewear and Fashion Design

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session
Jurji Filieri,  Elisabetta Benelli  

Many products have been designed to aid and support people in their daily activities. Glasses are part of them: they are prosthesis strongly present in the everyday life that have been originally introduced for improving the human vision (and protect eyes) and now mainly turned into fashion accessories. For long time, the most part of the production conceived more akin to fashion accessories and did not fully perform its function due to the rigidity of the models and parts. If eyewear is not adjusted to fit the wearer, its optical traits are no longer correct either. Most people wearing glasses are unaware of this fact. Considering that the biologically admixed population is increasing, such demographic changes may affect the distribution of anthropometric characteristics, which are incorporated into the design of eyewear. Until now producers have proposed the same dimension for the rim, temple length and bridge width for both the female and male wearers and for different race users, but it is very clear now that this product should satisfy the needs and expectations of the plurality of the user‘s profiles. The present study born for investigating and experiment the use of 3D print technologies and the impact they may have on the eyewear industry up to create a platform where the user can become an active designer in making his own custom glasses. The paper suggests an applied reflection on the mass-customization process and introduces part of results performed in the Florence University Laboratory of Eyewear Design (La.Mo).

Creative Code for Visualization of Design Iteration: Customizing Pediatric Orthotics

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session
Michael Bailey-Van Kuren  

This paper reviews the utilization of creative coding to develop a customized user centered design of a wearable from user centered inputs to custom 3D printed prototypes. The code based design process provides visual feedback to the designer. The process is demonstrated in the area of assistive technology with a pediatric active night-stretching orthotic. The design seeks to develop a custom active ankle-foot orthotic that is lightweight, functional, durable and comfortable for pediatric patients. The upper posterior calf support designed in Processing 3 is actualized with an integrated 3D printer code algorithm. The design tool facilitates the democratization of design and manufacturing. This method explores the boundaries between creative coding and traditional engineering design. Furthermore, the modularity of the code is discussed as applied to other user based wearable designs.

New Vision of 3D Models: Interactive System based on Graphics

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session
Zoila Donnys Zoy  

This paper articulates the conceptual and practical implementation of an interactive system based on graphics, animations, and 3D models. It utilizes the Augmented Reality (AR) quick response display graphics. The proposed model displays dynamic navigation within an artificial setting or environment created through AR as well. AR in the world of computer graphics is an artificial construction (computer-generated) over the real-world surface. This visualization process occurs when the camera of a mobile device like the iPhone, iPad, or other holographic optical-based gadgets, perceives and exposes graphics and images linked to a marker component that is attached to a real-world object. Today the potential of interactive animations and images combined with text makes the content development in AR a very promising venue to implement an artistic narrative based on multiple responses. The viewer will be able to organize or manipulate the system, but at the same time, the viewer is affected by the AR, and at the same time impacting commerce. In this presentation, there will be several examples developed by my students, including my personal projects as well. The audience will appreciate the examples of AR provided by mobile devices (based on Android, or iOS) that change human behavior. The ultimate goal of the research is to feature a compelling narrative based on real AR projects and an experiential phenomenological approach. It will be achieved by the manipulation of animations, images, 3D models, online environments, and American commerce data from the last three years.

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