Plenary Session / Sesión plenaria—Axel Quack, Strategy Director, frog, Germany

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“Venture Building by Design” Axel Quack is Strategy Director at frog design and leads Financial Services in Europe. He built accelerators and innovation departments focusing on new products and their business models, e.g. from the inside of one of the biggest global insurance companies and outside for the second largest investment company, FinTechs, and successfully for his own startup ventures. He heads innovation programs with the aim to establish a human-centered, interdisciplinary process that creates desirable and sustainable changes in behavior and form of individuals, systems, and organizations, often for socially progressive outcomes. Design, in his experience, is about applying contextual skills in non-traditional territories, which then yield non-traditional, creatively designed outputs; i.e., new roles, new organizations, new systems, and disruptive business models can be formed. As a true “hybrid” he holds a degree in engineering, a Master of Fine Arts, and an Executive MBA from China, Japan, and the United States. He lectures at programs like Google’s Digital Academy, is an Advisory Board member of the Pi School for Artificial Intelligence and Venture District in Rome, and is part of the Singularity University in Silicon Valley.

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