Analysis of Academic Success Program Digital Native Peer-tutors’ Digital Literacy Skills


The rapid development of information and communication technologies today leads to the emergence of new requirements for the preparation of 21st century teachers and urges the need for their digital competence. The purpose of this research is to analyze the digital native Peer Tutors’ digital competence during tutorials of digital native tutees at the Academic Success Program in a tertiary level institution in the United Arab Emirates. This study aimed to address different digital competency frameworks and taxonomies to find fit with digital native tutors’ digital literacy skills and competence with ICTs during their tutorials. It used observations of recorded and in person tutorials of Peer Tutors from four majors and analyzed the observations through combined Bloom’s Digital Taxonomy (Churches, 2009) and European Framework of Teachers’ Digital Competence (Cabero-Almenara, Romero-Tena & Palacios-Rodriguez, 2020). The data analysis reveal that digital native Peer Tutors skillfully used educational technology and successfully used all levels of digital competency throughout their tutorials.


Tsoghik Grigoryan
Academic Success Center Coordinator, General Studies, Higher Colleges of Technology, Abū Z̧aby [Abu Dhabi], United Arab Emirates


Presentation Type

Poster Session


The Power of Institutions


Digital Competence, Digital Literacy, Innovation, Institutional Policy