Impact of COVID-19 on Education: A Case Study of Dalit Children in India


The pandemic has exacerbated inequalities in educational access and attainment and has even made them more visible. Online learning during the pandemic did not compensate for a large number of children, especially among the socially and educationally disadvantaged. While many such children eventually fell behind their counterparts in regular study and reading ability due to online education, some also ended up dropping out of school to take up jobs to support their families to mitigate their pandemic-induced crisis. This paper looks into pervasive inequalities brought about by globalization in the social and cultural differences in India. This paper analyzes the case study of Dalits, a group that has historically suffered from severe social, economic, political and cultural discrimination. Data and information are collected from various reports prepared by the national and international agencies on the COVID-19 pandemic, journals and e-contents relating to the impact of COVID-19 on the educational system. Too much reliance on digital education creates new means of social exclusion, thus making space for a new class. While the provision of infrastructure and digital connectivity is important, digital inequality is an intersectional problem. Weberian Cultural Perspective focuses on how ownership and use of digital assets define an elite lifestyle thereby excluding others. The highest adult education in a household, caste, and also the primary source of income of household differentiate the digital ownership and use. Overall, digital ownership and usage are significantly different for different socio-economic groups in India.


Pallavi Sanil
Doctoral Scholar, Department of Sociology, Central University of Punjab, Bathinda, Punjab, India


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Vectors of Society and Culture