The Social Ontology of Fraser's Theory of Boundary Crises


My paper is dedicated to clarifying the structural roots of contemporary social crises in the hope that it will help empower us to build that movement. To do so, I draw Nancy Fraser’s critical theory of capitalist society. I begin by presenting her theory of capitalism as an institutionalized social order composed of five interdependent spheres and subject to inter-sphere boundary crises. I then consider a limitation of Fraser’s theory: that it does not explain why the non-economic spheres are constitutive of but necessarily external to, the productive economy. In response, I develop Fraser’s ontology of capitalist to explain why the economic sphere presupposes, and yet necessary stands in tension with, its non-economic background conditions.


Pat Hope
Graduate Student Worker, Philosophy, Stanford University, California, United States


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Vectors of Society and Culture


Crisis, Social Ontology, Economics, Social Reproduction, Exploitation, Expropriation, Nature, Politics