Forecasting Resilience: A Future-hunter Approach to a Prosperous Central America


Regional instability in Central America caused by poverty, corruption, and gang violence has led to an influx of migration to the United States in recent years. The US’ outdated immigration system is unable to keep up with such a heavy flow of migration, so finding solutions to create regional stability is of key importance. This research project proposes a future-hunter approach that focuses on five areas of importance to regional stability: culture, security, economy, technology, and strategic partnerships. To address the issues of corruption, gang violence, and poverty, we suggest working with churches, schools, and other local organizations to harness the collectivist tendencies of Central American communities to promote stability in the family unit as well as the community as a whole. Police reform is also necessary to combat corruption, improve regional security, and re-instill trust in the systems meant to protect people. Addressing infrastructure issues is also important for increasing stability in the region, particularly sanitation infrastructure. Promoting education can help address problems in all these areas. All the problems outlined in the various areas of this report are interconnected, and solutions cannot focus solely on one area. These proposed solutions, over time, can help to build a more prosperous Central America.


Eleanor Melero
Student, M.S. Mass Communication, Oklahoma State University, Oklahoma, United States

Yi Wen Wong
Student, M.S. Mass Communication , Oklahoma State University , Oklahoma, United States

Skye Cooley

Jared Rotha

Matthew O'brien
Student, BA, Political Science, Oklahoma State University, United States

Campbell Clark
Researcher, MESA Group, Oklahoma, United States

Asya Cooley
Assistant Professor, School of Media and Strategic Communications, Oklahoma State University, Oklahoma, United States

Kelli Norton
Student, M.S Mass Communication, Oklahoma State University, Oklahoma, United States


Presentation Type

Poster Session


2022 Special Focus—What to Make of Crises: Emerging Methods, Principles, Actions


Central America, Regional Stability, Culture, Security, Economy, Technology, Strategic Partnerships