Emergency Management at Post-secondary Institutions: Responding to Covid-19 Pandemic at King Abdulaziz University in Jeddah


The severe devastating effect of Covid-19 is ruing over global citizens for last two years which is novel experience from the immemorial period of human civilization. As of late 2021, more than two hundred and thirty-one million people have infected with almost five millions fatalities. Different new variants/strains due to mutation of SARS-CoV-2 have discovered with more severity and harsh of infection rate in the various locations of the world. Global community have witnessed of cruel fatalities, loss of properties and business, hampered of usual activities of service sectors including post-secondary educational institutions and ultimately silent damaged of family life and the society. The emergency management has been adopting by the educational institutions around the world including Middle East to cope up the wreckage situation caused by pandemic. This study evaluates the emergency responses of Covid-19 of the King Abduaziz University (KAU) as the leading post-secondary intuition of Saudi Arabia by their different stockholder’s opinions through pragmatic questionnaire survey. 125 of the responses received from students, faculty members and officials which are 69.6% , 16.8% and 13.6% respectively. The collected data was analyzed by the simple statistical method and illustrated by different schemes, graphs and diagrams. The pleasant satisfaction level of stockholders has been found and vivid management capacity also proven by the KAU authority without compromising the quality of teaching and learning of the university during pandemic. KAU emergency responses to Covid-19 were cherished and successfully handed during severe devastating period of pandemic as the foremost tertiary education institution.


Md Abu Taleb
Student, Ph.D, King Abduaziz University, Saudi Arabia


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


2022 Special Focus—What to Make of Crises: Emerging Methods, Principles, Actions


Covid-19, Emergency management, Post-secondary institution, King Abdulaziz University, Saudi Arabia