The Theoretical Dimension of EU Migration Policy


Human conflict around the world is naturally affected by events such as disaster, persecution, violence, or human rights appeals. These events cause people to move away from their homeland and seek refuge in other countries. In the light of the refugee crisis that has erupted in recent years, the EU Asylum and Refugee Policies proved that there is long way to the development of these policies. Having the common or harmonized may lead the better practices and end of the crisis in terms of migration. In this study, first of all, conceptual explanations are elaborated. Then, the theoretical dimension of migration policy is revealed. Then, the migration policy in the European Union with examples of certain countries is evaluated.


Sahil Mammadov
Student, PhD in Social Sciences, Uniwersytetu Jana Kochanowskiego w Kielcach, Swietokrzyskie, Poland


Presentation Type

Poster Session


The Power of Institutions


Migration Policy, EU Competences, Refugees, National policies