Sustainability of Human Settlements in Times of Transition and Uncertainty: Urbanization in Syria


In times of crisis and during the recovery period, the planning process in Syria is facing many social, economic, and environmental challenges. Moreover, the Planning process is lacking the spatial dimension that ensures sustainable and balanced development across the country. This paper highlights the need for a sound planning approach. It is the time for transition towards more sustainable systems. This research presents an analysis of the development of urbanization led mainly through master plans and how they are no longer useful, especially in times of wars and crises when the process of monitoring and follow-up weakens and becomes difficult. The research emphasizes the need to find more flexible and more appropriate ways with reality in a way that preserves the available natural resources and by using regional planning and software assistance that will make easier and faster to monitoring natural capital and measuring its contributions to the economic prosperity and wellbeing. The analysis includes locality-specific literature review and interviews with key informants, as well as direct involvement in case studies of urban and rural development and housing sector. The paper calls for rethinking of rationality in managing the development process, aims to propose the potentials for further improvement in administrative and organizational aspects, and recommends specific actions.


Rema Haddad
Manager, Regional Planning Commission , Syria


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Ecological Foundations


Urbanization Regional Planning Aries for SEEA