Genesis and Causes of Insurgency in Mizoram: A Critical Analysis


Due to the outbreak of underground Mizo National Front (MNF) in midnight of 28th February 1966, Mizoram was brutally injured in its development which lasted for almost two decades. It had disturbed not only the general administration but also the development exercises as a whole. To counter insurgency, measures of grouping of villages was adopted which further exacerbated the socio-economic conditions of Mizoram. The Mizos had engaged in physical encounter for independence in 1947 itself. But the agreement of the onset of modernity in the Mizo hills caused them to be captivated in Indian Union. But a decade of lack of interest and marginalization by India developed in the alienation of the Mizos. The insurgency found expression after the neglect of the Mizos during the 1959 Famine. The political consciousness of the Mizos before independence of India and the feeling of discontent in political field was of prime importance in the context of insurgency. The present paper focuses mainly on the genesis and the factors determining the causes of insurgency in Mizoram. The paper is mainly based on secondary data and information which is collected from various books, journals, newspaper, and magazines and internet sources.


Thelma Lalhmingthangi
Student, Ph. D Scholar, National Institute of Technology, Mizoram, Mizoram, India


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


2022 Special Focus—What to Make of Crises: Emerging Methods, Principles, Actions