Mapping the Transnational in African Women's Activism: Moving from Margin to Multiple Centers


This paper explores the liberatory impact of African/African diasporan women’s transnational activism across time and space and in its multiple forms and expressions. Despite a radical tradition of autonomous linkages across national, ethnic, and continental borders, the transformational power of African women’s global resistance to oppression often “slips through the cracks” in the narratives of pan-African, anti-imperialist, and global women’s activism. This study emphasizes excavating and integrating lessons from the multiple centers of African women’s organizing across borders.


M. Bahati Kuumba
Professor and Associate Director, Comparative Women's Studies, Women's Research and Resource Center, Spelman College, Georgia, United States


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Vectors of Society and Culture


African Women, Social Movements, Transnational, Activism