Special Event "Storytelling: Heterodoxic Narratives"

National and Kapodistrian University of Athens

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Georgia Haikali, Student, Postgraduate, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Attiki, Greece
Taxiarchis Belligianis, Storyteller, Greece
Maria Constanti, Performer and storyteller, Facilitator, Arthaus Berlin Research Center for Theatre and Performance Makers


The essence of fairy tales is the realm of enchantment, that special time-altered place reserved for transformative experiences and experiments. The heroines and the heroes of fairy tales are carriers of heterodoxic attitudes as they embark on journeys with unknown outcomes in order to bring forth the necessary transformation wherein the new emerges and ultimately reconfigures lived experience. The asynchronous character of enchantment opens a place for renewing the present by touching the past. These spoken narratives, expressed through a wealth of different symbols, create the possibility of transcendence through imagery intertwined with the miraculous, nevertheless tied to the most intimate aspects of existence and human nature, exploring thus the various heterodoxic realizations of subjectivity.

During the storytelling performance you will hear folktales from Greece, Ireland, Turkey, Great Britain and America. 


Maria Constanti

Taxiarchis Belligianis

Georgia Haikali

Music: Maria Constanti

Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89713983810?pwd=TS9LdnhtZkNUMGs4enNNTTh2TFZrdz09
ID: 897 1398 3810
Password: I22E22

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