Focused Discussions

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Collectivist Ideology in Globalization Studies for Undergraduates

Focused Discussion
Jacqueline Quevedo Ledermann  

Learning about the globalization process as an undergraduate student can be overwhelming, as it involves many aspects of understanding the major role capitalism plays in a dynamic, all encompassing setting. Using collectivism as a basis in an introductory course (perspectives on globalization), I encourage students to think of the collective good with all decision making, when possible; and to consider others in circumstances beyond their means. I am hopeful to be included in a discussion where instructors can discuss how we can all become more humane in our understanding of the globalization process. If we look at the threads of life, we recognize the advances that have been made, and how we in the global north have benefited from them. Advances in technology, social mobility, access to services, and choices have made most of our lives easier. A consumerist reality has emerged and it is hurting us, and the Earth. These are just some of the issues with globalization. In this session, we can discuss these issues and develop different strategies for teaching.

An Empirical Analysis of Competitiveness of Yangshan Deep-Water Port: The Application of Intermodal Transportation and Automated Container Terminal

Focused Discussion
Xiaohan Chen  

Regard to the highly competitive market in the globalized generation today, many ports need to upgrade their overall competitiveness. This research project focuses on the competitiveness of Yangshan Deep-Water Port in terms of the application of intermodal transportation and automated container terminal. This research project analyzes the comprehensive competitiveness of Yangshan Port through relevant data obtained from interviews. In addition, relevant materials in academic papers will be collected to further support the collected information. The purpose of this project is to analyze methods and measures of Yangshan Port to improve its comprehensive competitiveness to further provide experience and methods that can be adopted by other ports.

Religion, Globalization, and the Environment: The Human Cause

Focused Discussion
Isabel Mukonyora  

This discussion considers the public role of Christianity in globalizing western materialism and with it, the virtue of hard work between late 19th and early 20th century industrialization of Africa. It will be argued first, that only through a thick description of Christianity is it possible to see the extent to which Europeans conquered, controlled, and weakened other cultures. Second, it reviews the use of biblical images of Exodus margins to the City of Jerusalem by Africans to raise awareness of the needs for an alternative moral theology for healing the planet.

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