Online Lightning Talks: Room 4

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Indigenous Whiteness: What Does Whiteness Theory Tell Us about Traditional First Nations Research?

Virtual Lightning Talk
Carey Rutherford  

What does Whiteness Theory tell us about traditional First Nations research? Whiteness theory suggests that race is an illusory term used largely for oppressive purposes. Using peer-reviewed journal articles that were gathered to study First Nations youth-centred issues, Whiteness theory is used to assess the “racelessness” of the methods and philosophy of samples from traditional studies of Indigenous groups. Framed by Interpretive Research Synthesis techniques, eight articles studying Indigenous peoples from Australia, the U.S. and Canada, but widely differentiated topics, are analyzed conceptually to determine their synchronicity with the Whiteness Theory approach, or lack thereof. It is noted that elements of this “raceless” community cohesion exists, to greater or lesser degrees, in all of the research that is sampled. Some of this is due to the modernity of the research and some to the empowerment of Indigenous participants, but mostly from the breaking down of barriers (identifying with Others) as Whiteness Theory suggests.

Revisiting the Impact of Age on Job Satisfaction: A Global Comparative Examination

Virtual Lightning Talk
Jonathan H. Westover,  Maureen Snow Andrade  

Prior research has identified three primary findings related to job satisfaction and age. The first is that satisfaction reflects a U-shaped cycle in which employees are satisfied with their work early in their careers followed by a dip in satisfaction and then an increase, which continues until retirement. A second finding is that satisfaction decreases with age due to burn-out, disillusionment, or pressure to retire. The third is that there is no relationship between age and satisfaction or that satisfaction remains constant with age. These studies reflect various contexts and time periods. The current study provides a comparative analysis of the impact of age and job satisfaction globally based on non-panel longitudinal data from the most recent wave of the International Social Survey Program (Work Orientations IV, 2015). The study updates and extends previous research by exploring the impact of changing employment and economic conditions in cross-national contexts.

Social Perception of University Students in the Southwest Borderland Toward Individuals with Down Syndrome: Special Education as a Global Challenge

Virtual Lightning Talk
Sergio Madrid  

The actual migratory situation at the borderland between northern Mexico and the southwest US is not new. As a matter of fact, the flow of migrants, the economical trade, and the cultural exchange has been there since the very beginning (Gaggiotti, 2017). Communities all over this borderland are interrelated, families living in both sides, divided by one line, ideas, fine arts, and entertainment are in a give-and-take situation. This research explores the complex borderland relationships between education students and their perceptions of people with Down syndrome.

Global Occupational Therapy : Yes, It Can Be Sustainable

Virtual Lightning Talk
Amy Todd,  M. Irma Irma Alvarado  

Healthcare takes many forms based on culture, location, and resources available around the globe. It is not a single facet, as health has many meanings and beliefs involved with biologic truths. With increased global mobility, the United States is a rapidly changing cultural community and this includes health beliefs. The healthcare system needs to respond to the different values in order to achieve holistic health for those who partake in services. Mexico’s healthcare system is multifaceted from an American style model spanning the continuum to community based care and shaman, and in Yucatan, shaman and community practitioners are highly revered. This plays an important part in a person’s recovery when life is disrupted. Occupational therapy (OT) is a medical profession that combines the art and science of improving people’s daily lives and performance in meaningful activities. OT is a globally recognized profession under the WHO and is has the unique ability to address relevant occupations in communities, from reducing the caregiver burden with self-care, to return to work activities. Brenau University developed a program to send students to Merida, Yucatan in Mexico to perform their fieldwork experiences. This has resulted in a sustainable partnership with many facilities in the Yucatan in which students gain a cultural awareness and the role disability plays in a person’s life and community. The method of planning fieldwork placements with practitioners in Merida, preparing students for culturally relevant practice, and allowing a deeper understanding of what occupation means are explored in this session.

Legal Pacifism and Projection in Colombia : Approaching the Basic Elements of the Juridical Pacifism of Luigi Ferrajoli

Virtual Lightning Talk
Melba-Luz Calle-Meza  

Colombia took a very significant step towards peace with the Final Agreement signed with the FARC-EP in 2016, achieving a demobilization of the strongest and oldest guerrilla group in national history. However, this Agreement generated a radical opposition exercised by the winning political party in the presidential elections of 2018. Today the government is not considered a priority with peace and announced the end of negotiations with the ELN guerrilla. This reveals the political and juridical fragility of peace since its scope is not clear as the end of the State and right-duty according to the Constitution of 1991. In this study, the legal pacifism of Luigi Ferrajoli is introduced as a contribution to the construction of a solid theoretical framework about peace. Thus, its foundations and some outstanding criticisms are addressed (1); The status of peace in the Colombian constitutional order is reviewed (2). It is concluded that with support in the Ferrajolian theory, because it means: a) The obligation of the State to continue guaranteeing peace; b) The strengthening of institutional democracy and c) Effective judicial instances in defense of fundamental rights that can achieve a stable and lasting peace.

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