Educators’ Intercultural Competence: A Study of "Intercultural Education and Mediation" Master Program Students


In today’s diverse and interconnected world, educators play a pivotal role in fostering inclusive learning environments that celebrate cultural diversity. This research delves into the critical importance of intercultural competence among educators, highlighting their role in promoting equitable and enriching educational experiences for young learners. Intercultural competence stands as a cornerstone of effective education, enabling educators to navigate cultural differences and create inclusive spaces where every child feels valued and respected. Through the lens of intercultural competence, educators embrace diverse perspectives, practices, and values, fostering a sense of belonging among children from various cultural backgrounds. By cultivating empathy, communication skills, and cultural awareness, educators lay the foundation for young learners to thrive in a multicultural society. Moreover, the cultivation of intercultural competence not only benefits individual educators but also contributes to broader societal goals of social cohesion and cultural understanding. By nurturing the intercultural of educators, we empower them to serve as agents of change in promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion within social and education settings.


Eugenia Arvanitis
Assistant Professor, Department of Educational Sciences and Early Childhood Education, University of Patras, Greece, Greece

Spyridoula Giaki
University of Patras