The Dilemma and Adaptation of I-Kuan-Tao Internationalization: A Case Study of Curriculum Implementation in Thailand Community


I-Kuan-Tao is one of the most representative contemporary Chinese religions, emerging as a folk religion in China and originating in Taiwan, blending the doctrines of Confucianism, Buddhism, Taoism, Christianity, and Islam. This study explores the effectiveness, challenges, and coping strategies of multicultural religious education curriculum design and teaching practices using the example of the Fa Yi Chong De Tao Class in Thailand, a five-year Tao Class within I-Kuan-Tao. It investigates the relationship between promoting religious education tailored to different cultural contexts and the Fa Yi Chong De Tao Class in response to the latest trends in religious globalization. Fa Yi Chong De Tao Class is the most systematic among all the branches of I-Kuan-Tao, making it an optimal reference and also for others religion. This research adopts an action research methodology to design the curriculum for Tao Class, focusing primarily on the second-generation population in the Thai branch. The curriculum involves participation in four sessions covering different thematic elements. Throughout the action process, data are collected through observations, interviews, document analysis, and thematic analysis, supplemented by focus group interviews on curriculum design and individual interviews with practitioners involved in curriculum design and teaching practices, as well as recordings and photos of class activities and reflections on the four sessions. Finally, based on the research findings, recommendations are provided for future curriculum design, teaching practices, and research directions for the Fa Yi Chong De Tao Class in response to the profound changes in the new generation.


Lim Pey Huan
Student, PhD Candidate, Graduate Institute of Religious Studies in National Cheng Chi University, Taipei, Taiwan


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Education and Learning Worlds of Differences


I-Kuan-Tao, Curriculum Implementation,Thailand Community,The Dilemma and Adaptation,Internationalization