Incorporating Social Justice for an Inclusive Approach


Join us as we explore the intricate dynamics of social justice, historical context, and industry-specific challenges. In this interactive session, participants will delve into the Cycle of Socialization, unraveling the ways in which historical events and societal norms shape our perceptions and experiences. Guided by the principles of social identity exploration, participants will reflect on their own identities and the intersecting factors that influence their worldview. By navigating through the complexities of race, gender, class, and other dimensions of identity, participants will gain a deeper understanding of privilege, power dynamics, and marginalization. Industry-specific scenarios will serve as a lens through which participants can apply theoretical concepts to real-world contexts. Whether in healthcare, education, technology, or beyond, participants will explore how social injustices manifest within their fields and brainstorm strategies for fostering inclusivity and equity.


Paige Riggins
CEO, Culture of Equity Consulting, Virginia, United States


Presentation Type

Workshop Presentation


Identity and Belonging


DEI, Social justice, Mindfulness