A Divided Village – a Complete Professional Identity?: Professional Perspectives in Light of the Geo-political Configuration in the Identity of Teachers in the Village of Ghajar


This quantitative research presents a preliminary exploratory study examining perspectives of professional identity as reflected in self-reports of the teachers of Ghajar, a village on Israel’s northern border, given its unique geographical and geopolitical configuration. The current study is the first of its kind, clarifying how the teachers perceive their professional identity in the unique space in which they live and work. The findings show that the teachers’ perceptions of professional identity are holistic in all examined dimensions. Their perceptions are motivated by a strong sense of mission that influences their love of the profession and their sense of satisfaction. Ghajar, as a unique enclave, has created a geopolitical configuration that contributes to the construction of the professional identity of teachers in the village.


Yonit Nissim
Lecturer and Researcher, Faculty of Education, Tel Hai Academic College, HaZafon, Israel

Eitan Simon
Head of School, Education and Teaching, Tel-Hai Academic College


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Education and Learning Worlds of Differences


Teachers, Professional Identity, Geopolitical Configuration, Ghajar