Kangaroo Classroom for Developing Talented Learners’ Abilities in the Science Subjects


Some children have potential beyond what is normally expected at school for their grade level - they learn faster and more independently than most students their age, but at the same time if the approach to teaching such pupils is not tailored to their individual strengths and interests, they may exhibit behavior problems or poor performance in school. One methodology tailored to the unique needs of these students, referred to as talented learners, is a dynamic approach called the kangaroo classroom. Taking in to account the importance and difficulty of STEM subjects, the aim of this study was to find out how to practically use the kangaroo classroom approach to develop the learning process of children who are talented in sciences. At a Latvian state school, special classes with a personalized and inclusive learning environment were created for pupils aged 7 to 14 years, and their behavior and developmental progress were monitored. Optimum division of pupils into separate special classes was found while simultaneously clarifying the peculiarities of the pupils’ application. The factors that contribute to the psychological support of learners in these classes were clarified. During the seven months of specially organized classes, changes in the students’ attitude toward learning, as well as the cognitive results and the realization of the talents of the participating pupils were observed.


Martins Veide
Associate Professor, RISEBA University of Applied Sciences, Latvia

Anastasya Pantelejeva
Chemistry and Biochemistry Teacher, Riga Yugla Secondary School, Riga, Latvia

Valerijs Dombrovskis
Director of Business Psychology Bachelor’s Program, RISEBA University of Applied Sciences, Latvia


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Education and Learning Worlds of Differences


Kangaroo Classroom, Talented Learners, Differentiated Learning, STEM Education, Science Education