This Is How You Thrive: How to Use Authenticity as Your Superpower


Authentic is the Word of the Year! But what does that mean for us in the workplace? In this one-of-a-kind session, I’ll share with you how to access the boundless potential of your authenticity at work to unlock true success. First, I’ll share my own career journey - the highs and lows - and showcase how embracing your identities, values, and life stories is the real secret to career success. Then, I’ll work with participants to develop a comprehensive understanding of authenticity in the workplace, why it’s not, “Be whoever you want to be,” and what it means to be authentic in a work community where everyone wants to be their authentic self. Next, I teach my five steps to unlocking authenticity as your superpower and opening doors to trust, loyalty, and enduring success in the workplace and beyond. Through storytelling, interactive discussions, case studies, and real-life examples, you will learn practical tools and techniques for cultivating personal authenticity, and practice strategies to build genuine and meaningful relationships with colleagues, clients, and leadership. The goal? For each participant to leave with a certain knowledge of how to show up authentically and thrive in their careers.


Michelle Silverthorn
Founder & CEO, Inclusion Nation, United States


Presentation Type

Workshop Presentation


Identity and Belonging