Navigating Cultures and Communication: Enhancing Doctoral Students’ Study Abroad Preparation Through In Situ Learning


Students who have studied abroad demonstrate higher levels of intercultural competency (Deardorff, 2009), and those who have engaged in high quality social interactions with their host culture exhibit significant linguistic gains (Magnan & Back, 2007). Study abroad programs have gained significance as an integral educational initiative, fostering global learning and nurturing students’ intercultural maturity on a growing scale. The purpose of this research is to investigate and provide comprehensive insights into the strategies, challenges, and support mechanisms necessary for effectively preparing doctoral scholars for successful international study experiences. Through qualitative analysis, this study aims to identify best practices, resources, and interventions to optimize the academic, cultural, and personal development of doctoral students undertaking a study abroad program. Ultimately, the research seeks to inform policy, program design, and institutional practices to enhance the preparation and support provided to doctoral scholars embarking on international study endeavors. The following research questions guided this study: RQ1. What specific learning gains were achieved by research fellows through the development of international project presentations? RQ2. How do research fellows perceive the development of communication and presentation skills through international presentations? RQ3. What challenges and benefits are associated with presenting diversity related research projects internationally? This study provides details on the development and planning of a private Christian university’s first study abroad experience for online doctoral students. Results from data analysis will identify trends and challenges associated with learning gains as well as doctoral students’ perceptions of the impact of international presentations on research and career development.


Jennifer Butcher
Vice President of Intercultural Engagement and Belonging, Abilene Christian University Dallas, Texas, United States

Berenice Casas
Abilene Christian University

Stacie Shelby
Director of Inbound Marketing, Marketing, Abilene Christian University, Texas, United States

Sandra Cleveland
Associate Professor, NRSG, Abilene Christian University, Michigan, United States


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Education and Learning Worlds of Differences


In Situ Learning, Intercultural Competence, Learning Gains, Study Abroad