Environment and Sustainability in Language Courses: Sustainability Across the Curriculum Grant


The University of Southern California (USC) has integrated sustainability into its educational framework to foster global citizens who will fight climate change. In alignment with the university’s mission, I’ve designed this course with a specific emphasis on subjects like climate change, energy, and the water crisis. These topics align with the interests and self-driven learning pursuits of the current generation of students. The new course has received USC’s Sustainability Across the Curriculum Grant and is taught as an Advanced Arabic course. The course aims to complement and enrich student’s existing studies by providing the chance to investigate sources from a diverse region and in a different language, thereby broadening and intensifying their comprehension of the subject matter. Although the readings focus on the Middle East, the readings are utilized as a starting point to give students the opportunity to discuss, analyze, and debate their ideas about climate change ramifications in different regions in the world. The idea of this course can be assimilated in advanced foreign language courses.


Suzanne Wali
Master Lecturer, Department of Middle East Studies, University of Southern California, California, United States


Presentation Type

Poster Session


Education and Learning Worlds of Differences


Climate Change, Sustainability, Water Crisis, Fossil Fuels, Alternative Energy, Language