A Critical Evaluation on the Othering Experiences of Immigrant Women Living in Kırşehir in the Context of Intersectional Theory


As it is known, both its geopolitical location and its traditional and cultural infrastructure make Türkiye one of the preferred points where people from different countries may want to immigrate. In this context, every year thousands of people suffer from war, economic, political crisis, etc. in their country come to Türkiye. These migration movements constitute the focus of interest in many scientific fields. Especially in the field of social sciences, many issues such as the dynamics that cause migration and the adaptation processes of immigrants to the countries they migrate to are discussed. However, these studies are conducted either completely blind to gender or as if the phenomenon of migration is a phenomenon that only concerns men. However, it is important to address the migration experiences of women, who are invisible in society and relegated to the background. Based on this idea, the subject of this study is the marginalization experiences of foreign women living in Kırşehir. At this point, women’s experiences of discrimination and marginalization in Turkey, both in their own countries and during the migration process, are questioned. The study is based mainly on cross-sectional theory, which provides an important perspective to feminist theory that allows understanding the situation of women from their own perspectives. More precisely, the marginalization experiences of foreign women at the intersection of gender, ethnicity and social classes isdiscussed from a critical perspective.


Gulcin Cebecioğlu
Research Assistant, Sociology, Kırşehir Ahi Evran University, Turkey


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Identity and Belonging


Women, Immigrants, Intersectionality